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Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodles 王林記潮州魚蛋粉麵


“Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodles – Soothing your soul!


 If you’re craving a hearty bowl of traditional noodles, Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodles in Shau Kei Wan Main Street East is a must-try! Every day, neighborhood residents pack the restaurant, ordering and slurping up delicious meals! But what makes a humble dish of fishball noodles so impressive?

Before the shop opens, Mrs Wong the owner of the shop samples everything herself to make sure her customers can savor every bite. It’s this dedication that has won the hearts of loyal customers. In the early years, Wong and her husband would work around 18 hours a day to keep the business running and support their family. Despite the hard work, she still insists on serving up the best bowls of fish balls to satisfy the hearts and stomachs of busy workers.

Artist Wai Wai’s pastel-coloured shutter artwork reflects the dreamy pleasure of dining at Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodles, and depicts a delighted customer surrounded by the shop’s signature items – scallion fish balls, five-spice braised beef brisket, pork knuckle with fermented red bean curd and more! “— HK Urban Canvas

Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow Fish Ball Noodles

Location: Shop A, 10 Shau Kei Wan Main Street East

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 06:00-20:00


王林記潮州魚蛋粉麵的老闆娘王太非常熱情,她先讓我品嚐了他們獨家的蔥花魚蛋,還有蜜糖燒雞翼、韭菜餃、秘製豬手、清湯腩等美食,非常好吃,而且吃到鮮味,讓我十分感動。 然而,這道美食背後原來有一段辛酸的故事。


在此感謝王太、城巿閘誌HK Urban Canvas以及練黑龍的幫忙,還有Sohome Jacaranda Lilau提供的相片以及朋友們的探班。 經過兩個凌晨的努力,我終於完成了這部作品。



營業時間:星期一至日 06:00-20:00

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